Brit College Submission Deadline
Unistats | HESA | A provider will need to submit information about courses that it will offer to its students. This helps prospective higher education students to make decisions about what and where to study. Further information: |
Ali | 18 August 2020 | |
Provider profile | HESA |
A provider will need to submit information about the location of its campuses and its internal organisation. This data allows the OfS and others to understand the geographic distribution of higher education. Further information: |
Amir | 13 July 2020 | Yes |
Graduate Outcomes Survey | HESA | A provider will need to submit and check the contact details for students who have completed their studies, who will then be surveyed by HESA. For FECs initial contact details will be sourced from the ILR but will still need checking. The graduate outcomes survey is used to understand student progression and outcomes including to inform student choice. Further information: |
Masum / Ali | 21 August 2020 | |
Student record *1 | HESA | A provider will need to submit details of individual students and the courses they are studying. The data collected underpin the OfS’s regulatory approach including metrics used to monitor condition B3 (student outcomes). Further information: |
Amir | 6 November 2020 | |
Student Alternative record*2 | HESA | A provider will need to submit details of individual students and the courses they are studying. The data collected underpin the OfS’s regulatory approach including metrics used to monitor condition B3 (student outcomes). Further information: |
Amir | 16 November 2020 | |
Annual financial return | OfS | A provider will need to submit financial data consistent with its latest audited financial statements, forecast financial and student number data, and other relevant contextual information. Used to monitor the financial health of providers in particular in considering compliance with condition D (financial viability and sustainability). |
CE | Within five months of a provider’s financial year end (exact dates will be issued to providers) | |
*1 Providers that returned a HESA student return in 2017-18 are required to continue to make a HESA student return, providers that have not previously made a HESA student return, or have previously made an Student Alternative Return, may choose to make either a HESA student return or an Student Alternative Return.
*2 Providers that returned a HESA student return in 2017-18 are required to continue to make a HESA student return, providers that have not previously made a HESA student return, or have previously made a Student Alternative Return, may choose to make either a HESA student return or an Student Alternative Return